P/E di MRF Limited è 18.79
Il rapporto prezzo / utili è il rapporto tra il prezzo delle azioni di una società e l'utile per azione della società calcolato su dodici mesi.
The price to earnings ratio is the most widely used method for determining whether shares are accurately valued in relation to one another. But the P/E ratio does not in itself indicate whether the share is a bargain. The P/E ratio depends on the market’s perception of the risk and future growth in earnings. A company with a low P/E ratio indicates that the market perceives it as a higher risk or a lower growth or both as compared to a company with a higher price to earnings ratio. The P/E ratio of a listed company’s stock is the result of the collective perception of the market as to how risky the company is and what its earnings growth prospects are in relation to that of other companies. Investors use the P/E ratio to compare their own perception of the risk and growth of a company against the market’s collective perception of the risk and growth as reflected in the current P/E ratio.
MRF Limited, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures, distributes, and sells rubber products in India and internationally. The company offers rubber products, such as tyres, tubes, flaps, and tread rubber. It also engages in the paints and coats, toys, motorsports, and cricket training businesses. The company offers tyres for trucks, farm services, LCVs, SCVs, three wheelers, pick up, two wheelers, passenger cars, and OTRs. In addition, it operates MRF TireTok, MRF Tyredrome, MRF FASST, MRF Musclezone, and shops that offer computerized nitrogen inflation, tubeless repair, wheel alignment, wheel balancing and tyre changing, robotic wheel alignment, vehicle safety test lane, diagnostic wheel balancing, A/C recovery and recharging, electronic headlight alignment, nitrogen generation, special two-wheeler tyre changing, credit card facility, wheels removal and refitment, and tyre mounting and de-mounting services. The company sells its products through approximately 4,000 dealer networks. MRF Limited was founded in 1946 and is based in Chennai, India.