Mitsubishi UFJ EV / EBITDA

Cos'è EV / EBITDA di Mitsubishi UFJ?

EV / EBITDA di Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. è 2,885.35

Qual è la definizione di EV / EBITDA?

EV / EBITDA è il valore aziendale diviso per guadagni prima di interessi, tasse, deprezzamento e ammortamento. È una misura di quanto sia costosa una azione ed è più frequentemente valida per i confronti tra le aziende rispetto al rapporto prezzo / guadagno. Misura il prezzo (sotto forma di valore d'impresa) che un investitore paga a vantaggio del flusso di cassa della società (sotto forma di EBITDA).

Price to earnings ratios are impacted by a company's choice of capital structure - companies which raise money via debt will have lower P/Es (and therefore look cheaper) than companies that raise an equivalent amount of money by issuing shares, even though the two companies might have equivalent enterprise values. A sample case is when a company with debt were to raise money by issuing shares of stock, and then used the money to pay off the debt, this company's P/E ratio would shoot up because of the increased number of shares - although nothing about the fundamental value of the business has changed. EV / EBITDA is unaffected by capital structure as enterprise value includes the value of debt, and EBITDA is available to all investors (debt and equity) as it excludes interest payments on that debt. It is ideal for analysts and potential investors looking to compare companies within the same industry.

EV / EBITDA di aziende nel Finance settore su NYSE rispetto a Mitsubishi UFJ

Cosa fa Mitsubishi UFJ?

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. is a Japanese bank holding and financial services company headquartered in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is Japans largest financial group and the worlds second largest bank holding company holding around US$1.8 trillion in deposits as of March 2011.

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